Tuesday, November 04, 2008

i voted. the end

Sean suggested I write a post on voting but I said "I don't know. I don't have much to say about it." And he suggested this. It made me laugh.

"It feels good to vote. It makes me feel like an active citizen and I like knowing that I am exercising my 1/280,000,000 say in what goes on around here."

ha. And that is very much how I feel.

Also: a dialogue from IM.

Sean says:
did you get a sticker when you voted?
Jen says:
Jen says:
i walked out to the tables of food hoping to catch a glimpse of one but trying not to appear desperate...
Jen says:
but i saw nothing
Jen says:
so i left
Jen says:
Sean says:
Sean says:
I think they printed fake ones here
Jen says:
ha ha
Sean says:
so they might give you one
Jen says:
yeah i should make myself one
Sean says:
Jen says:
Sean says:
they have food
Jen says:
what? i mean
Sean says:
Jen says:
Sean says:
Jen says:
Jen says:
the w didn't work
Sean says:
you're crazy
Sean says:
so they had food at the school?
Jen says:
yeah. random things like biscuits and coffee or i don't know what
Sean says:

hahaa. "Food?" "Hat?"


Ashley said...

That's so great. It's like you're making fun of him for saying a random word.

Also, I'd like to echo Sean's sentiments on the subject. You had food where you voted? Lucky...

I gave Anna my sticker, just because she loves them, and lots of people thought that was "just adorable." "Oh, look. She voted. How cute." I made jokes like, "Yeah, she did it all. I don't even know what she put down..." It was funny. (Trevor makes fun of me for only telling stories where the punch line is me saying something funny. But I can't help it...)

)en said...

sometimes the only funny stories are stories where you say the punchline, so, what can you do?

Joel said...

I agree with you. Everyone I know is doing a blog post about how wonderful, humbling, inspiring, blah blah blah I voted today. So I'm glad you at least mostly resisted.

Lianna said...

I was thinking the same thing today. What is the meaning of those stickers? Are they for bragging, to keep people from bugging you to go vote, or a reward (stickers for adults)?
I think it is silly.