Friday, September 19, 2008

sniff :( ?

Do you think that slicing onions might make one sad? Not cry; clearly this happens to everyone. But while you're standing there slicing, and the tears are streaming down your face, do you think you might start to feel a little sad? because you're crying? because of the onions?


Joel said...

I do tend to get a little emotional when I have to deprive an onion of its skin...

Scott said...

Somebody already beat you to this one.

)en said...

That... is very interesting. Thanks for the link. It is strange because I feel that onions is unique. Usually if you cry when you're not sad, you are really happy or are trying to pretend to be sad (like as an actor). Or you're feeling some intense emotion of some kind.

But the other night I was chopping onions. My mood was pleasant but I wasn't feeling much of anything. Just choppin' onions while my thoughts played in the background. And the onions, they attacked me, viciously. I always try to pretend I can overcome the onions and just fight through it. It doesn't work.

After I recovered I returned to the vegetable board and started slicing mushrooms and was deeply immersed in my thoughts. I suddenly realized that my eyes were still quite watery and tears were streaming down my face and I forgot for a second why, and i think i found myself feeling a little melancholy because of the tears on my face (?) It lasted only a second until i remembered why i was crying and i jerked out of my bizarre reverie and was a little weirded out by this strange spell the onions seemed to have cast, but also very much intrigued.

the end.