Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sean quote

"Sometimes I feel like I'm being disrespected by overly informal writing."


Trevor said...

Let me be the first to comment and express the overwhelming love I have for Sean at reading this. On the one hand. On the other hand, I can empathize. I think my sensitivity to informalities started when I noticed a 'new generation' of Polish praying, where members will speak to God directly instead of doing it in third person as formal language dictates. It's basically the equivalent of starting your prayer with "hey Buddy." It might be Buddy with a capital letter, but it's "buddy" nonetheless.

But now it's gotten to a point where occasionally I feel slighted when someone refers to me as "dude."

Anonymous said...

That's exactly how I feel about it. I think the original inspiration for that line was emails without capitalization or punctuation.

Scoresbys said...

Sean, if I ever write the great American language and grammar book, may I please use that quote in the introduction?

Anonymous said...

My pleasure.

Brooke said...

At first, I thought you said overly formal writing. I was trying to wrap my head around that. How is that disrespectful? I was hitting a wall, then I read it again. Ha.

I feel like some very beautiful and expressive words are dying because of the dumbing down of communication. I want to bring them back. Join in my crusade, Sean and all like minded!

)en said...

I want you to know, Brooke, that Sean said "phraseology" the other day of his own accord. Wasn't making fun of you or anything! :) So i think you have a crusade member.