Monday, March 23, 2020

Fake Words

About 2.5 years ago I gave Julian the Banangrams banana pouch to play with.  He started organizing all the tiles and when he was done I had to snap some pics of all the fake words he'd strung together because I love made up words and wanted to know what their definitions might be.  I am posting this now because I am currently cleaning out my inbox in my email and guess how many unread emails I had? GUESS.  LIKE 600.  I am now down to 62 emails I absolutely cannot delete, most of them being articles or pics I sent to myself.  One of them was a picture of these tiles and i was like, ehh, how hard is it to slap them on the blog.  Everything's a memory, even the dumb things you'd totally have forgotten about had you not sent an email to yourself. 

And now I'm down to 61 emails in my inbox.  *cheer*

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