Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Two Good Names

1. Scanning some msn article about a man who laced his wife's energy drink with cyanide (yup. I'm busy. I'm a busy woman. Gotta lot of things to do). Defense attorney's name: 

William Difenderfer. 

Now, let's say something happens and I end up marrying this guy and take his name. What's my name gonna be? Say it with me:
Jennifer Difenderfer

Think Sean will let us legally change it anyway? We could all be Difenderfers. 

2. I walked by the bedroom where sean is working and heard him say, "hello, yes, could I please speak to Lulu Lippincott..."    

And, aside from seriously questioning if he's really "working" and has a "job" at all,  I am de-lighted. :D

I think this is a sign that I should finally track down Mrs. Zita Hudnut and get all three of these people together. 


Alanna said...

Those are fabulous names. The best I've ever found for myself: if I married Kenneth Branagh, my name would be Alanna Branagh. Or, for a long time Natalie really wanted me to marry the pitcher for the Mariners, John Halama so we could be John & Alanna Halama.

But I think yours might have both of those beat...

)en said...

ha ha! Those are grrreat. And, bonus!--now i know how to pronounce Branagh--thanks for that. :D

Joel said...

Hooray for Difenderfer Day!

The best surname I have recently come across is Winklekotter.