Monday, August 01, 2011

Prank Idea

Here's a nice joke to play on someone with whom you share a computer.  Have some ooze or slime on your hand when you use the mouse, maybe something sticky like jam or anything, really. Then when someone sits down to use the computer they'll put their hand in it and be like, EW, son of a @#$%!!    

Note:  Just be sure you don't play this joke on yourself.  It's significantly less funny. 


Anneka said...

Someone plays this prank on me almost daily, but he/she/they vary the locations of the sticky substance. Sometimes the front doorknob. Sometimes the fridge handle. Sometimes the back of the kitchen chairs. You've got my reaction down pat, that's for sure. Give Julian a few years, and I bet you'll be the recipient on a regular basis!

)en said...

Uhhh... yeaah, it was Julian. Julian had the sticky hands...

)en said...

wait, maybe you didn't mean what i thought you meant. Irregardless, Julian is definitely getting his own mouse when the time comes. we'll just swap it out--brilliant!