Monday, August 23, 2010

a plea

How many more times in my life am I going to start untwisting the twist tie only to realize i'm twisting it the wrong way? Somebody tell me. I just want to know now. I'm tired of thinking this is totally the last time. 


Alanna said...

That's why I throw those away once the loaf is half gone. (Okay, actually what happens is they get lost on the counter, so I just twist the bag closed and put the bread on top of the twist to hold it. And then twenty minutes later I find the twisty thing and so THEN I just throw it away.)

I'm pretty sure that one of the upper levels of Dante's hell deals with those twisty ties never coming undone...

Pedersen Posse said...

My guess is your distress won't end until you quit purchasing items with twistie ties and you quit using them all together.

MelBroek said...

hmmm... you know I think they make a pill for that! If not, I'll surely develop one in 6 short years when I'm out of pharmacy school!

Joel said...

This is why I always open the bread bag with a machete.

Rob said...

You want to talk about twisty tie distress?! Once, while asleep in my room in Arizona I felt something on my back. In my sleepy delirium I for some reason thought it was a twisty tie from a bread bag, and flicked it off me. The noise it made when hitting the wall wasn't consistent with this conclusion, so I turned on the light to check it out. Turns out, it was a scorpion, on my back, and in my hand, and was in my bed. So I can live with twisting it the wrong way a couple times as long as it's not stinging the heck out of my fingers.

Yeah, that was random. But if you post about twisty ties, you're going to get my random correlating stories. So, you may want to consider that in the future.

Joel said...

I nominate Rob here for the "Best Comment Ever" award.

)en said...

ha ha. it was pretty good. I guess I would rather twist a twist tie the wrong way than have it actually be a scorpion. Good point, Rob.

Are you really going to pharmacy school? please send me free samples of that pill.