Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Ski jump

If i was in the olympics--i mean when. WHEN i'm in the olympics, this will be my event.

What would/will yours be?


Amber Alvarez said...


Also, let it be said that my Olympic medal will SO go with my sequined hat. What will you wear yours with?

Amber Alvarez said...

Oh, and you're totally going to want to right click --> open new tab on that link. Sigh. Someday HTML will rule again.

Ashley said...

I'm going to have to say biathlon. Cross country skiing is totally fun, and I think I could learn to shoot a rifle really well. So I'm halfway there.

Alanna said...

Figure Skating.

I think I've been ice skating maybe three times in my life, but if there were a mad skill I could just suddenly have, this might be it. (Actually, that's another good question to ponder, now that I've said that!)

Just standing at the top of the ski jump slope makes me realize that I am truly afraid of heights. Or at least of jumping off of them.

)en said...

interesting! this question seems to be very telling.

and ash, it tells me that you are buh-buh-buh BORING. Biathlon?? BiathYAWN. hahaha. alright, i'm kidding you. but still, very interesting indeed.

I wonder if there's a "what olympic event are you?" quiz out there.

)en said...

I just found this little quiz.

It tells me I am this: LUGE.

well well well! Amber: I'll see YOU there.

Ashley said...

Jen, I thought you might say that. So my response to that is this, Kristi Yamaguchi's comment, in this last weekend's USA Weekend cover story, on the most underappreciated event: "The biathlon. People make fun of this sport, but the participants are amazing athletes."

YOU try hitting a target with rubber skiing arms.

By the way, my quiz result? Figure skating. Fail.

Natalie R. said...

One of my best friends here in Hershey is a real figure skater! She doesn't skate anymore (back injury), but she coached a lot, too. So you know who her newest pupil is, right? ME!!! 2014 Olympics, get ready for the newest Gold Medalist!!

Joel said...

According to your quiz, my "sport" is curling. Please note the quotation marks.

So I bore myself to sleep every night...